You would like to become a member of the circle of friends squirrel registered association and support the rearing and release of the squirrels into the wild with your annual fee?
The minimum contribution per year is 15,00 €. You are also welcome to support the squirrels with a higher fixed season.
The contribution started at the beginning of the membership, then until 31 January of the current calender year.
With the contributions we finaance mainly feed, rearing milk and materials such cosy blankets, kobel and accessories for aviaries.
YOu are welcome to download the membership fee, fill it in, sign it and send the original to the following address:
Freundeskreis-Eichhörnchen e.V.
Spicher Straße 27
53844 Troisdorf
Upon receipt of the application, you will receive a membership confirmation with your membership number and for SEPA, your mandate number.
If you need a membership application in English, please contact us at
Thank you!